Facebook is becoming an increasingly effective marketing tool for local businesses. According to a recent policy statement Facebook is ‘working on ways to show you the most relevant information based on where you are and what your friends are up to’ and the best Facebook pages are finding ways to drive value to their businesses.

In this Agency Spotlight we will show you how one local hairdressing business managed to grow their Facebook email list with over two thousand email subscribers. To acheive this they used a personality test created using the Agorapulse suite of Apps and some targeted Facebook Advertising. The budget for the project was $250.

The Local Business

D-K Hairdresser is a hairdressing business located in the city of Antalya on the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. Antalya is an extremely popular tourism destination with a local population of close to 1 million people.

D-K Hairdresser has been using Facebook actively for 2 years with the help of digital marketing consultancy services from Özenç Kılıçcıoğlu, who recommends the Agorapulse platform to his clients.

The Campaign

Özenç decided to create a Facebook campaign with the goal of capturing a targeted email database He hoped that at the same time the campaign would increase brand awareness in the local area for D-K Hairdresser.

D-K Hairdresser had the same problems encountered by many local businesses when running Facebook campaigns:

1. The budget was limited to US$250 for the campaign.

2. Targeting audiences outside of the city of Antalya were of no benefit. D- K Hairdresser has no premises outside the city.

3. Choosing the correct application to meet the campaign goals.

Audience engagement and viral potential were desirable given the limited budget, so choosing the correct application to match the goals of the campaign would be crucial to its success. Özenç determined that personality tests have excellent potential to go viral. But choosing the right type of personality test that was compatible with the target audience and the goals of the campaign would be vital.

Choosing the personality test

In order to find the most suitable topic for the personality test they would create, Özenç made use of Buzzsumo which allows users to search by keyword to see which content on the subject was shared most across social networks. Using “hair” as the search term delivered the following results

Results from Buzzsumo.com to find most shared content for the topic ‘hair’

It was estimated that the trends revealed by the data would also apply to Turkey, so a personality test ‘Which Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality?’ was chosen.

Buzzsumo 1

The Personality Test

Content and graphics for the personality test were developed and the personality test app from Agorapulse was used to manage the campaign. The choice of graphics was vital to attract participation.


Which hair color best suits your personality? Personality test landing page.

Participation was free but was email gated. In order to help overcome this barrier it was decided to offer 10 random prizes of a free hair color at D-K Hairdresser to participants who completed the personality test.


TOP TIP The choice of personality test ‘Which Hair Color Best Suits Your Personality’ was ideal for this campaign. It was fun, was a perfect match for the brand and appealed to the target audience.


‘What color is your hair at the moment’ One of the questions from the D- K Hairdresser personality test.


Identifying the best target audience for the Facebook advertising campaign to promote the personality test was vital. Three different audiences were split tested with a very small budget using the same creative and calls to action

Target Audience 1 was women’s magazines: People who live in Antalya and like brand Pages such as Cosmopolitan and Elle.

Target Audience 2 made use of Facebook’s Graph Search feature.  Özenç identified the Pages that were liked by fans of D-K Clinic, a sister company of D-K Hairdresser. and that audience was targeted.

Audience 3 was targeted by People who have an interest in beauty, hairdressers and hair styles.

Audience 3 proved the most cost effective with a cost per click of 0,02 TL (1 USD=2,3 TL) Therefore the bulk of the advertising spend was allocated to target that audience.

TOP TIP It is a good idea to split test ads even where your budget is very small


The campaign page was visited by 6,600 users.   2,200 visitors completed the personality test, 2,100 of whom were living in Antalya.


The campaign was shared 547 times and 172 users invited their friends to participate in the campaign, which shows a significant viral trend.

The advertising campaign was very effective. Thanks to the split testing and advanced targeting the Cost per Click was $0.04 and the cost per email address acquired was about $0.10

Key Takeaways

    • o
    • Facebook marketing has significant potential for local businesses.


    • Setting goals and choosing the right campaign app to meet them are keys to success


    • Split testing ads provides key performance data allowing effective decision making early in the campaign


    • High quality graphics and engaging content are important for participation and virality


  • The data provided by the Agorapulse platform allows for effective analysis of ROI.

Share Your Story

Many users of the Agorapulse platform are social media marketing agencies that use our suite of management tools to help their clients deliver ROI from their Facebook and Twitter campaigns. So we thought that by sharing some of their success stories we could inspire our customers and help them to achieve more from their social media marketing campaigns.

If you have an agency, use the Agorapulse platform and have a success story that you would like to share, please contact us.

About Özenç Kılıçcıoğlu

Website: https://www.dk-kuafor.com.tr/