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Does Using the Word YOU Impact Marketing?
Join me I interview Dane Golden to talk about the Power of You and how it impacts YouTube videos and their success.
Dane conducted a really insane study looking into what happened when YouTube creators said the word “You” in their videos.
It’s a study that’s so geeky it hurts our brains!!!
Who Is Dane Golden?
Dane Golden is dedicated to helping marketers and businesses up their game on YouTube for business and transform their viewers into loyal customers.
He recently sold HEY.com to Basecamp (he can’t say more about the transaction because of an NDA), and now runs VidiUp, which helps businesses with YouTube channel management and optimization strategy, and VidTarget, which helps businesses run more targeted ads on YouTube.
LISTEN to the edited audio portion of the interview above or watch the full video interview below:
What is the Social Media Lab LIVE?
Social Media Lab LIVE is hosted by Scott Ayres, the Content Scientist at the Social Media Lab.
It’s a weekly show where Scott talks about social media marketing with expert guests and is always testing something!!!
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