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Podcast: Can Emojis in a Facebook Post Increase Reach?

February 27, 2019 • By

Scott Ayres

Can Emojis in a Facebook Post Increase Reach?

Full Podcast Details

The Social Media Lab has done extensive research on marketing with emojis:

For this test and episode we decided an experiment on how using an emoji in a Facebook post would impact Reach


In This Episode

  • Richard’s disdain for once again talking about emojis on the podcast!
  • Why we ran this test
  • How the experiment was setup
  • Report on the data from the experiment
  • Conclusion based on the data


What Is The Social Media Lab?

The Social Media Lab is a project powered by Agorapulse dedicated to spending $15,000 per month to bust the myths, rumors and stories related to social media marketing.

We’ll test mainly organic reach, but also will run paid experiments.

We typically publish 1 blog post and podcast per week.

The podcast is co-hosted by Richard Beeson and myself.

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