Is your pitch deck ready to wow potential clients for your social media agency? Or is lacking some key components?

Make sure your agency pitch deck is everything it needs to be before you present it.

Social media agencies typically offer high-value, detailed services to potential clients that could drastically impact their businesses. So, a client usually will shop through multiple options for agencies before settling on one.

It’s not just enough for your website, your list of services, and even your testimonials to stand out. You need to practically court the client with a strong pitch that explains with your specific digital agency will benefit the client’s specific business.

Your marketing agency pitch deck is crucial.

Your agency pitch deck and presentation can be the make-or-break moment that determines whether your social media agency gets the contract or a competitor does.

We want you to land those strong, high-value clients that you’re looking for. So we’re looking at how to create a stellar agency pitch deck that will help you demonstrate exactly what you can offer and convert clients.

(And, because we want you to have everything you need to succeed, you can sign up now for a free trial of Agorapulse and get started right away.)

What Is an Agency Pitch Deck?

An agency pitch deck is a presentation used to explain what your social media agency offers to new potential clients.

The pitch deck goes into detail about what your services include and the benefits that you believe (or know!) you can offer. That is your direct sales pitch straight to the potential customer.

Focusing on specific data and information is the best way to do this—instead of simply saying, “We’re the best.”

You’re going to want to prove your social media agency is the right one for this agency client.

Agency pitch decks are typically created in PowerPoint (or a PowerPoint competitor).

The pitch deck is almost always shared in a live video call with a screen share. Doing so gives you plenty of chances to answer any and all client questions. Also, you can elaborate more where needed while you customize your pitch for any needs that the client details while on the call.

Most agencies have a standard pitch deck that they use for most pitches, though they may adopt it or personalize it for each client.

If they offer hyper-specialized, boutique services that vary wildly from one client to another (which isn’t common), they’ll likely create a new pitch deck for each potential client.

What to Include in Your Agency Pitch Deck

Many marketers and digital agencies have found themselves in an ironic predicament: They’re excellent at selling their client’s products and services but may struggle to do the same for their own brand because it’s a completely different style of selling than they may be used to.

Fortunately, the right agency pitch deck can help.

So, let’s take a look at everything that you need to include, using examples available publicly on SlideShare.

header image for conquer social media inbox

An “About Us” with your USP

First, your opening slide will typically be your brand name and logo.

On your second slide, though, you always want to start strong with a brief sentence about who you are and your unique selling proposition (or “USP, which is what makes you unique).

Examples could include phrasing like the following:

“Oliver Twist Agency was created to make high-level organic marketing services available to passionate small businesses who are on a tight budget without sacrificing quality.”

You name your business; you list your mission and your USP. This business has a unique purpose to offer great services for businesses on a budget. You also define your target audience.

After all, you want your customer to realize that you fully understand them and are equipped to help with their specific pain points.

Example of an agency pitch deck

Here’s an excellent example of what that USP looks like in a presentation:

pitch deck

Here’s an example of a SlideShare pitch deck.

Your team’s experience (and faces)

Next, your team’s experience will likely be a powerful selling point.

Do you have dedicated account managers who have worked with big-name brands like Amazon or Shopify? Have any of your team members worked on the staff of tech giants like Facebook or Google before branching out to your social media marketing agency?

Even if you’re all relatively new, phrasing like “a combined fifteen years of experience” sounds impressive, even if it’s spread between the five of you.

You can also highlight courses that you took as a “dedicated effort to continued education.”

On this slide, share a picture of your team or pictures of individual team members. Adding faces to the pitch deck can build rapport and establish trust. We like to see the faces behind the emails and phone calls.

Pitch Deck: Agencies’ social proof

Social proof can include client testimonials and a list of the companies that your social media agency has worked with.

You can use this to show relevant industry experience. For example, you can feature multiple small-business names in the health industry if you’re trying to land a contract with a “superfood powder” company.

If you’ve worked for any impressive, well-known names, this is a good place to mention that, too.

Example of social proof

This is a solid example:

social proof for a pitch deck

Share your social proof in a slide for your agency pitch deck.

You can also include an “As Seen On” slide if you’ve been prominently featured as a speaker at a major conference or weighed in on a relevant story on the news.

Transparent view of services offered by your agency

Every agency out there is unique. Yours likely offers at least slightly different services than your competitors.

One social media marketing agency, for example, may offer engagement management, which involves responding to comments and questions.

Another may offer “full-service social media marketing” but doesn’t include engagement management within that definition.

If you’re a social media marketing agency that creates social ad campaigns for clients, do you manage them, too?

Are you willing to set up client profiles, develop strategies, and create images? Store and organize your social media assets without going bananas 

You’ve likely hammered out all the details. However, if your client is talking to multiple different agencies, the client may be confused about what’s included in which plan.

example of transparency of services in an agency pitch deck

Transparency of services showcased in this SlideShare

Have a few slides that explain exactly what can be covered by your agency’s different plans and what is not included in any of them. Doing so can offer exceptional clarification.

You can have a dedicated slide for each service that you offer and a single slide for what you don’t.

This is to your benefit, too.

You won’t end up signing a social media contract with a client who wants you to respond to every incoming client message when you typically don’t manage engagement at all.

The most accurate pricing information

Pricing for marketing agencies can be difficult.

Some social media agencies offer strict flat-rate pricing, like x number of posts per month plus publication and analytics for $2,000.

Other social media marketing agencies will create custom pitches based on client ad spend, the number of channels, specific services needed, and overall volume.

You may find it difficult to lay out the pricing in a pitch deck without knowing exactly what the client needs. However, even with this in mind, give clients as much information as you possibly can.

Do you have a minimum ad spend for clients or minimum retainer amounts? Explain what the minimums are and what they entail.

example of transparent pricing in a social media agency

Image source

Transparency about what’s not included in the pricing is crucial.

You likely include the software you use, which the client won’t need to pay for. There’s a solid chance, though, that you won’t cover ad spend or extra costs like the money that will be a prize for a social contest. Know that clients don’t always understand this.

example of ad spend in a social media agency deck

Image source

Explanation of how you can benefit agency clients

It’s not uncommon for clients to be researching agencies without even being 100% sure if they want to go all-in with their marketing budget to hire one.

A crucial part of your pitch deck will not only be to explain why you can benefit the client but also how the services themselves are valuable.

Address the client’s pain points, letting them know you fully understand their needs. Use clear, statistic-heavy data to back up everything you’re saying.

Then lay out as clear a strategy as possible to explain how you’ll help them accomplish specific goals.

For example, if your agency’s goal is to help clients scale their Facebook Ad campaigns to a high volume, you might say the following:

“After a deep dive into what makes your business and your audience tick, we’ll do rapid-fire split tests of 100 different ad sets. We’ll leverage this data to create stronger, niched-down campaigns that your audience will respond to, and scale up the campaigns with the highest ROAS.”

This is a very clear, direct action plan.

Include these in your pitch deck about the benefits:

  • What you’re doing
  • Why you’re doing it
  • How it will work

Addressing those points calms any doubt that the client may have, especially since unfortunately plenty of agencies out there don’t have solid plans.

Case study

Do you have a case study or two directly relevant to the client you’ll be speaking to that can show what your agency is capable of?

Highlight your case study in the pitch deck.

What to cover briefly in the case study

  • Outline what you did
  • Why it worked
  • How you can implement this solution with another client who shares the same original challenges

You can have several case studies, with one on each slide.

If you can show visuals of the ads you created or the reports with impressive-looking graphs, even better.

Your process

In addition to explaining your strategy, you’ll want to inform potential clients of exactly what it will look like to work with you moving forward.

What to include 

Share your process over a few slides, explaining the initial set-up process and what working together will look like moving forward.

This might include:

  • Monthly reports
  • Regular phone calls
  • Scheduled editorial calendar reviews
  • And more!

This example is fantastic, detailing what will be happening next while breaking it down in a simple way.

what to mention about the process in an agency pitch deck

Example of a process explained in an agency pitch deck.

Leave Room for Questions & Share Information

The last slide should always have your contact information, including:

  • The business’s email account
  • Phone number
  • Website.
  • CTA encouraging your leads to consider your services

Be sure to ask if your potential clients have any questions.

They’ve likely asked questions as the presentation went on if it was happening live, but this is a good chance to let them think of any questions that haven’t come up yet. Don’t be nervous about speaking in front of potential clients.

Looking for an Agency Pitch Deck Template?

Finally, we’ve got a free agency pitch deck to help you get started. Just download a copy to your desktop and customize away!

Download your free agency pitch deck HERE.

In Conclusion

Your agency pitch deck can determine whether leads become clients, so you’ll want to put an enormous amount of thought into it.

Make sure to include plenty of visuals and space information as needed. You don’t want to overwhelm a potential client by sharing a cluttered slide.

Being thorough while concise will be key. Try to think from your potential clients’ point of view, focusing on their potential objections, concerns, and pain points.

If possible, customize your pitch deck for different clients. Switch out case studies if needed.

By highlighting strategies or services that align with their specific brand and needs, you’re more likely to get the job.

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How to Create an Amazing Pitch Deck [Free Pitch Deck Template]