Things have been a bit slower in the Lab the past few months as we tweak some tests, gear up for 2019 and enjoy the holidays.

But we have posted 3 very important and highly shareable experiments since last we wrote an update.

Put your thinking caps on because we’ve got some good ones for you today.

Re-Test: Does Facebook Punish 3rd Party Scheduling Apps?

social media lab

We ran a retest on our very 1st experiment on the lab, which proved Facebook does not punish posts from 3rd party posting apps — such as Agorapulse, Buffer, etc.

Since it has been over a year we wanted to see if the data still held up.

social media lab

The results are interesting, so be sure to read the full experiment or better yet listen to the podcast below!

Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse

Re-Testing: Does Facebook Punish 3rd Party Scheduling Apps?

Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse         Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse        
Re-Testing: Does Facebook Punish 3rd Party Scheduling Apps?           Re-Testing: Does Facebook Punish 3rd Party Scheduling Apps?          
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    Will Adding Emojis to Tweets Lead to More Impressions and Engagement?

    twitter emoji

    This was a fun test that was a spinoff of an emoji-based test we did on Instagram.

    Can emojis help with engagement on Twitter?

    twitter emoji

    Were the results ? or ? ? Read the full experiment to find out or listen to the podcast episode below.

    Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse

    Will Adding Emojis to Tweets Lead to More Engagement? Or Is This Just Silly?!

    Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse         Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse        
    Will Adding Emojis to Tweets Lead to More Engagement? Or Is This Just Silly?!           Will Adding Emojis to Tweets Lead to More Engagement? Or Is This Just Silly?!          
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      1-5 Hashtags on Twitter: Which Gets More Impressions?

      social media lab

      We’ve probably done more tests on hashtags than anything else in the Social Media Lab. They are a game changer if you use them correctly.

      For this test we sought to see what hashtag count between 1-5 got more Impressions and if using even 1 hashtag gets more Impressions than none at all.

      social media lab

      Suffice it to say the results of this test were not what I expected! You’ll need to bounce over to the full experiment or better yet listen to the quick podcast below to get the skinny!

      Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse

      What's the magic number of hashtags to use on Instagram and Twitter?

      Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse         Social Media Lab powered by Agorapulse        
      What's the magic number of hashtags to use on Instagram and Twitter?           What's the magic number of hashtags to use on Instagram and Twitter?          
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        That’s a wrap on 2019 in the Social Media Lab!

        We may have 1 experiment publish before the year’s end, we will cover that in our next wrap-up post.

        It’s been a year of learning for us and loads of fun. Look for us to expand our paid experiments more and be on the lookout for a guy in orange hair possibly at future conferences in 2019!!

        What Is The Social Media Lab?

        The Social Media Lab is a project powered by Agorapulse dedicated to spending $15,000 per month to bust the myths, rumors and stories related to social media marketing.

        We’ll test mainly organic reach, but also will run paid experiments.

        The experiments are conducted by myself, Scott Ayres, and Jason How.

        We typically publish 1 blog post and podcast per week.

        The podcast is co-hosted by Richard Beeson and myself.

        Subscribe to the Social Media Lab Podcast via iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify  | Google Play | RSS