Congratulations! You’ve been invited to collaborate with a team via a Shared Calendar. In this tutorial, we take a look at how to accept your invite, what you can do with your calendar and the best practices for approving content. If you have any additional questions contact your internal Agorapulse admin or reach out to us directly for any direct support.

(upbeat music) – Hi, Jacob with Agorapulse. Congratulations, you’ve just been invited to collaborate and help approve content with your social media team and that is going to give you access to an amazing collaboration feature that we call the shared calendar here at Agorapulse. Now, if you’ve just been invited to your shared calendar, you will get an email inviting you in. You will need to accept that email, confirm that you are the right person receiving this, and then you will have direct access to approve all the content that’s been assigned to you.

So once you’ve accepted your access into that shared calendar, that invite into the shared calendar, whenever you go to your shared calendar, you are going to be greeted with a task list of content that you have been assigned for approval. Now these posts are gonna be laid out in chronological order. So as you dive into these, one thing you’ll notice is that these are not going to be individually scheduled posts.

You’re gonna see that your team has scheduled content potentially across multiple channels.

So let’s dive into one of these examples and take a look at what we can do when a group or a post has been assigned to us. When we click on the Review post group button, that’s gonna open up all of the post options. We’re going to see all versions of this content if my team has created any uniqueness here. So for example, we have multiple scheduled dates on this particular Facebook post and this is the copy and content for that post.

We can see those unique dates and times that we’ve had our team schedule those on but we can also see that there is some unique content and some unique copy because our strategy with Instagram, our strategy with these social networks, requires that we have a different message for our Instagram audience and we add things like hashtags on the first comment and we curate our content differently per network as well too. Now, if I am happy with this, everything looks good, the content on Facebook versus Instagram is perfect, we simply just click approve and that post will go live. So if we click Approve here, my team will be alerted that this post is now live and ready to go and it will be scheduled automatically.

We’re done there. Now for the opposite, if we are reviewing a post and we notice some changes that we wanna make or we have some comments coming back to us and our team is asking for some collaboration, we can come in and reply back simply by adding a comment or I can come in and request a direct change. For example, I want to update this image so it doesn’t have this message on it. I want it to be a cleaner image.

That’s a very simple request and a very relevant request as well too. Now, when we submit these requests for changes, our job as a shared calendar user is done. We have sent our feedback back. If those changes are made, updated, they can be sent back to us for final approval.

Or if the team decides to make the changes and publish it live, that post will go out live as well too. In summary, your shared calendar is going to be your direct access for full transparency and direct content approval with your team. When your team assigns content to you, you’ll be greeted with a task list of all the groups of posts that they want you to review or request any changes on. As you review posts and you look at these, you have the ability to view all options.

You have the ability to simply approve that post so it is scheduled live, but you also have the ability to simply comment back or to request changes for those particular posts as well. Our job as a shared calendar user is done. Now when you request changes, those posts are still paused in the approval workflow. Your team has to accept those changes, make those changes or provide that back to you so you can have the final approval.

But when you do request a change, that post is still paused. It is not scheduled live. It is still in the approval workflow. Your team will still need to collaborate with you on those changes or on those comments and you guys can work on approving that content so it is scheduled out live and in time.

Thanks so much for watching, and if you need any help or support, please reach out to us directly, bye.